Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accidents in Virginia Beach

Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accidents in Virginia Beach

Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accidents in Virginia Beach If you are suffering from back or neck pain after even the most minor of car accidents (or even if you feel no pain at all) it is entirely possible you have sustained whiplash. Without a thorough assessment from a Virginia Beach chiropractor, whiplash can lead to…

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Kids Today Are Moving Less Than Ever

And so is (nearly) everyone else.

Between television, phone screen time, coding workshops, and wired school classrooms, many kids today are growing up sedentary.

While at the same time, research has shown that we understand more than ever the benefits of movement for children’s development – 

For their physical health, their emotional health and ability to connect, and for their ability to focus and accomplish things in life.

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What DO You DO When You Are Feeling Good?

A lesson you learn working in a chiropractic office is that people are motivated by pain.
You have likely experienced this yourself.
A problem arises, seems relatively minor, and gets no attention – until it gets worse, and worse, and worse, and DEMANDS your ATTENTION with PAIN.

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Design Your Recovery

The healing process involves a lot of steps. Making calls, setting appointments, getting help. You can probably remember yourself at that point, or can think of a friend or loved one facing it now. Next, there is finding out what is the problem (and what caused it), and what you need to change to get better.

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Design Your Recovery

The healing process involves a lot of steps. Making calls, setting appointments, getting help. You can probably remember yourself at that point, or can think of a friend or loved one facing it now. Next, there is finding out what is the problem (and what caused it), and what you need to change to get better.

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Balance Is Key

Our body can teach us important lessons if we know how to listen. A great lesson that is easy to see once we “look under the hood” is how our bodies protect what is most valuable.

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Better Way To Sleep

Better Way To Sleep by: Embrace Your Inner Wisdom Life is easier and less confusing when we embrace the simple truths that are inside of us already.  Chiropractors make use of this wisdom and work with the body to achieve results, both with chiropractic care and in life in general.  Take the way that our…

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Sciatic Pain Helped by a Virginia Beach Chiropractor

Sciatic Pain Helped by a Virginia Beach Chiropractor

Sciatic Pain Helped by a Virginia Beach Chiropractor Sciatica is a condition that is often misdiagnosed and attributed to any intense lower back pain. Any pain in the lower back that limits your movement or stops you from enjoying life requires attention, but not all lower back pain is sciatic pain. This type of pain…

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When You Feel Weak

When You Feel Weak by Premier Health Chiropractic Being weak isn’t just about a certain level of strength.  About not having big muscles, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, or NFL football players.  And it’s not about combat, like a tough UFC fighter, or a competitive collegiate wrestler. While those are all examples of strength, not being one…

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The Best Time to See a Virginia Beach Chiropractor

The Best Time to See a Virginia Beach Chiropractor

The Best Time to See a Virginia Beach Chiropractor Visiting a chiropractor isn’t nearly as “alternative” as it used to be, and for good reason. Chiropractic treatment has been proven time and again to be an effective, non-surgical solution to scores of health issues. Chiropractors are spinal experts and since your spine is the nerve…

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