Superb Chiropractic Care

With A Personal Touch

Chiropractor Virginia Beach VA Golzar Ghanbari About


Dr. Golzar Ghanbari provides chiropractic care with clinical excellence, in Virginia Beach.  Our team is here to help.


Don't take our word for it, hear what our patients have to say.  Our goal is top notch chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Virginia Beach VA Contact Us


Our team is here to answer all your questions. Contact us today to see how we can help you get your life back. 

Chiropractor Virginia Beach VA

Welcome to Premier Health Chiropractic in the Town Center area of Virginia Beach, Virginia, a part of the Hampton Roads community. Virginia Beach was a place we always visit when we would travel to see my in-laws in NC. We chose to move to Virginia Beach because we love being close to the beach, and the mountains, we love the great options for concerts and museums, we love being close to an international airport and having so many options for delicious local restaurants. I feel that being a Chiropractor in Virginia Beach is one of the most fulfilling places I have practiced. Our patients make me feel like I am the best Chiropractor in Virginia Beach! I love coming to work every day and so does our amazing team!

Premier Health Chiropractic

Our office is located one stop light north of the Pembroke Mall in Towne Center. We are on Independence Blvd. heading north and you can reach our office by turning west at the light on Jericho and Independence. You will see the Tread Quarters across the street and we are in the same store front as Pembroke Pizza and next door to the Miller gas/Dunkin Donuts station.

We regularly see great results with low back pain, mid back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines, ear infections / sinus infections and constipation issues in kids and adults, shoulder pain (rotator cuff or frozen shoulder) and knee pain. If you have been diagnosed with arthritis or DDD/DJD, chiropractic is a great place to start with to help with pain.

Chiropractic explained

At Premier Health Chiropractic, we utilize an adjusting technique most people are not familiar with. We use an instrument tool for our adjustments verses twisting the body and neck around like most people are used to seeing on YouTube and other doctor's offices. Both techniques accomplish the same task, remove subluxations, but we prefer the instrument as a way to administer the adjustment because it is more gentle and no twisting or popping has to occur.

We recommend a complimentary consultation for anyone interested to see if chiropractic may help your condition.

the education of a chiropractor

Most patients don't realize how much education chiropractors in Virginia Beach have. Chiropractors are held to some of the most intense educational standards of any health field. In fact their education standards are very comparable to that of a medical doctor. After completing a strong emphasis of basic sciences in college, chiropractors attend a four year chiropractic college. This means that chiropractors are primary care physicians. In other words you don't have to have a referral to see a chiropractor.

Is chiropractic the right treatment for you? Call our team at Premier Health Chiropractic in Virginia Beach. We will do our best to help you reach your goals.

Misconceptions about Chiropractic Care

Most misconceptions about chiropractic are, "once you start you can't stop" and "it's too late for me, I am too far gone." Chiropractic is spinal wellness care just as you see your dentist for dental wellness care. Most of our community have never been taught this concept of spinal care and so we love to give our community opportunities to learn more with our spinal health and wellness classes.

If you and someone you know are interested in seeing if chiropractic can help you maintain spinal wellness, of if you are interested in attending our spinal health and wellness classes, please call the office (757) 962-6191.

Call today to schedule your complimentary spinal screening today, and for detailed information about all of the services we offer.